Many of my clients ask me “is my grief normal?” and “do I really need therapy?” You know that feeling sad or blue is expected when experiencing a loss, but do you need therapy? Take this quiz to find out.
1. Are you feeling unmotivated and unable to concentrate?
2. Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy?
3. Are you more forgetful and confused than normal (misplacing things, forgetting scheduled appointments, and forgetting to pay bills)?
4. Are you spending less time with family and friends and feeling as though you can't be honest with them about how you really feel?
5. Are you more reactive to seemingly small, insignificant things?
6. Are persistent and upsetting images and/or unpleasant memories coming to mind?
7. Does life feel surreal right now? Like you're not in your body or that life has lost its meaning?
8. Do you feel alone or lonely in your grief? Does it seem like others don’t understand?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then therapy might be a good next step.
It’s possible that you don’t need therapy. But keep in mind that therapy isn’t only for people experiencing diagnosable mental disorders. Grief therapy can help anyone who has experienced a loss and doesn’t want to do grief alone.
Losses and transitions impact us on many levels; psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Your symptoms, if not dealt with, can put you at increased risk for chronic grief, illness, substance use disorders, depression, or generalized anxiety. Unresolved grief, or grief that doesn’t improve over time, can become debilitating. Painful emotions can be long-lasting and you may have trouble recovering from the loss and resuming your life.
With therapy, you can explore emotions surrounding your loss and learn healthy coping skills. This may help prevent negative thoughts and beliefs from gaining such a strong hold that they're difficult to overcome.