Therapy for Chronic Illness & Medical Diagnoses

Online & In-Person | Gig Harbor & Tacoma, WA

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A new medical diagnosis can change everything.


One moment you have ideas about how your future will look and the next, all of those expectations are called into question. Suddenly you may not be able to do things you have previously framed your identity around, go about day-to-day life as you once did, or feel like you can trust your body and its capabilities. 

Maybe everyone is telling you you're “strong,” when you’ve never felt more vulnerable. Perhaps you’re realizing those close to you have a different idea of what you should do next or feeling like they simply can’t understand what you’re experiencing.

If you’ve recently received a new medical diagnosis, you may be experiencing a range of emotions, asking questions like:

  • Who am I now? 

  • Will life ever be the same? 

  • Who do I tell? Who should I tell?  Who can I tell?

  • Am I making the right decisions? 

  • Who will be there to support me?

A journey toward acceptance.

Mental health and physical health are closely related. In addition to the physical challenges brought on by your diagnosis, you may also be grieving life “before,” experiencing depression or anxiety about what’s next, or find yourself isolating from others.

Allowing yourself the opportunity to share these things—to process the questions, express the emotions, and explore what the future can hold—can be pivotal in coming to a place of peace and acceptance about the things you cannot control, as well as empowerment and confidence about the things you can.



Your experiences & emotions—whatever they may be. Everything is valid, accepted, and honored here.


A plan for what’s next. Get support as you navigate the medical system, conversations with loved ones, and more.


Compassion to yourself. This is a new reality you’re living in—it’s unfair to expect too much of yourself too soon.


Empowered in your decisions regarding your health, treatment, relationships, and future.


We recognize that different diagnoses present different challenges.


Our team is experienced in supporting clients living with a variety of conditions:

  • Chronic illness

  • Cancer

  • Terminal illness

  • Acute illness or injury


Our Approach

to Therapy for Chronic Illness & Medical Diagnoses

We offer a mix of support, strategies, and tools in therapy. This means we’ll help you plan for important conversations with loved ones or medical teams as much as we’ll support you in processing larger questions about meaning and what the future holds. Therapy is a place dedicated to you: where you don’t have to fear being judged, shut down, or “fixed.”

Our goal is that you leave each session feeling heard, understood, valued, and with a sense of hope about what’s next.

Invest in your wellbeing.

Get support for whatever lies ahead.